Available episodes

In the season finale, Adam battles with his inner self-doubt over how biases affect the show. He then exposes the shortcomings of story-telling, and the influence (or lack thereof) of advertising on the series' integrity.

Adam polices the truth behind the overuse of SWAT Teams, illustrates how using school officers can create a pipeline for prisons, and examines the origins and intended purpose of police officers.

Don't let Adam's facts bug you as he uncovers the benefits of spiders, serves up knowledge on why we should be eating more bugs as a protein source, and illustrates the benefits of little bugs on your gut health.

It's time to face the music, as Adam reveals the racism behind rock & roll's origins and the egregious fees of Live Nation's monopoly. He then defends musicians who "sell out" to make a living in today's digital landscape.

Adam shines a headlight on why drivers are rarely prosecuted for car accidents that result in death. He breaks down border patrol's problematic search policies and examines the messed-up history of corpses and medical studies.

Adam takes down the do-gooders and reveals how Teach For America is harmful to both students and teachers. He then uncovers the ineffectiveness of recycling and calls out the billionaires who create charities for tax breaks.

Adam and Emily prepare for a big night out by revealing the marketing ploy that led to women shaving and the fashion agendas that created pockets. Then, the two friends pour back the truth on alcohol consumption.

Adam lets his freedom flag fly by examining why America doesn't have higher rates of social mobility. He then uncovers the flaws within our constitution and examines our country's progression and regression.

Adam digs up the dirt on nature, revealing that Mount Everest is a frozen pile of poop, natural disasters are actually man-made, and there is no such thing as untouched wilderness.

Adam hits pause on the myth that connects video games to real-life violence, and reveals that Monopoly was a rip-off of an anti-capitalist teaching game. Plus, Olympic organizers get rich while athletes struggle to get by.

Adam tackles classic television stereotypes, from the racism behind public pools, to the "model minority" myth of Asian Americans, to the on-screen toxic masculinity that's masking the problems young men face today.

Adam dishes out the facts on the avocado trade being ruled by drug cartels, and Big Pork making bacon a pop culture hit while covering up its huge health risks. Plus, America's food problems stem from corn.

Adam causes turbulence when he reveals that reward miles drive up costs, and revisits the "golden age" of air travel to uncover smoky, sexist death traps in the sky. Plus, airline mergers are crippling smaller cities.

Adam Conover downloads you on how the tech industry isn't really as helpful as you think - or wants you to think.

Adam Conover has a rude awakening for everything you thought you knew about sleep (or lack of it), from the mattress industry to supposedly lazy teens to sleep aids.

Adam Conover is back to take aim at critics on both sides of the gun debate in America. He explains why an assault weapons ban would not be effective and demonstrates how the Second Amendment has been twisted to fit the NRA's agenda.

Reanimated History: Adam digs into the Panama Canal, death by food, and the even deadlier Spanish Flu.

Reanimated History: Adam sheds some light on Copernicus, a rogue dwarf revolutionized what we know about the human body, and wait until you hear about Tulip Mania!

Reanimated History: Gladiators were barred from killing opponents, one Celtic woman nearly brought down the Romans, and the brave "300" Spartans were really 7000.

Reanimated History: The Cuban Missile Crisis was started by the US, a female politician stood up to McCarthy, and a mistake actually brought down the Berlin Wall.

Reanimated History: The Pilgrims were grave robbers, Pocahontas and John Smith's romance never happened, and huge cities in the New World existed before its "discovery."

Reanimated History: Adam Conover undermines everything you thought you knew about the American Revolution.

Unregulated food expiration dates lead to massive waste, your 401(k) won't be enough to support your retirement and the future is unpredictable.

Testing on mice is a waste, and scarce funding stops scientists from seeking cures and proving their findings.

Strangers with poisoned candy don't exist, the panic over Orson Welles' War of the Worlds broadcast didn't happen and mediums are total frauds.

Pricey detox treatments may do more harm than good, MSG's scary reputation is undeserved, and the placebo effect is way more powerful than you think!

Adam Conover debunks the fake moon landing theory, discusses the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and reveals how to spot a false theory.

Adam explains why doing taxes is unnecessarily complicated, the economic numbers we hear don't reveal much, and American manufacturing can't return.

Adam explains that your lawn is an unnatural monstrosity, suburban design is killing you, and the racist past of suburbs led to segregation in schools.

Get ready for some R&R (Ruining and more Ruining!), as Adam Conover and his girlfriend take a journey across America.

Emily takes over to "ruin" Adam, pointing out where his facts fall short. She debunks the idea that IQ tests measure intelligence and points to information Adam has gotten wrong in the past. Plus, she explains the "backfire effect."

Adam explains why the odds of becoming a dropout billionaire are not in your favor, how manipulated school rankings have little to do with education quality and why the privatization of student loans created a massive debt crisis.

In his first animated episode, Adam teaches a crew of kids and their teacher that Christopher Columbus didn't discover America, King Tut was a dud, and the rules of grammar are not as ironclad as you'd think.

Adam shows why popular art is revered, regardless of merit. He also exposes the masters as copycats and reveals the art market to be a moneymaking scheme.

Adam swipes right on knowledge by exposing the flaws in dating sites. Plus, alpha males (and wolves) don't exist, and personality tests are a failure.

Adam Conover explains that inflated hospital costs have created a system that's unaffordable and unfair. Plus, the reckless prescription of antibiotics is making them worthless, and you might not need a mammogram.

Host Adam Conover illustrates all the reasons low-fat diets can actually make you fatter, and why counting calories is a waste of time.

Adam dispels the myth about getting pregnant after 35, delves into breastfeeding vs formula, and explores postpartum depression for women - and men.

Adam meets a young dad on a personal mission to save the world and end climate change until Adam turns his world upside down. Find out why electric cars and green products don't make the impact you've been promised.

Ho ho huh?! Adam teaches his sister that the real St. Nick story is a lot creepier than she thought, and modern Santa was created by commercialism only a century ago. Adam also reveals how gift-giving actually hurts the economy.

After getting Emily out of prison, Adam and his sister Rhea take on the Justice system, showing that juries simply can't be impartial and the prosecution team is way better and well funded than your court appointed lawyer.

While on a magical technological journey, Adam shows smartphones are not the society killers you'd think they are, American cable service providers are basically cartels, and most free sites are actually very costly.

Adam reveals how prostitution, despite its reputation, actually helped settle the West. He then explains why the All-American Cowboy is a myth and the real western hero wasn't a person. It was air conditioning.

When Emily gets tossed in the slammer, her cellmate reveals corporations make money off prison inmates while the system does nothing to reduce crime. Adam then sheds light on jail rehabilitation and solitary confinement.

Adam weeds through the misconceptions of marijuana and exposes the blunt truth about the War on Drugs. It stemmed from a racist and political agenda. Plus, Adam illustrates why prescription pills are the true gateway drug.

Adam gets evicted from his home, and while searching for a new place, he exposes the harsh realities of real estate. Plus, Adam explains why helping the homeless is a lot simpler and more straightforward than you might think.

Adam illustrates how a border wall wouldn't keep out legal immigrants who overstay their visas, racist mass deportations have historically led to disaster, and immigration courts are a huge mess.

Adam explores how purebred dogs are genetic monsters created by bored Victorians, domestic cats are overpopulated killing machines that threaten other animals and wild animal trophy hunting can actually help endangered species.

Adam and Emily go on a shopping spree of knowledge and find that malls were created as tax loopholes, nutrient supplements are often unregulated, and most eyeglasses are made by one manufacturer that inflates its prices.

Emily and Murph's wedding day is here but Adam's gift of information may rain on their parade. Adam reveals how most wedding traditions were recently created by consumerism, and divorce is actually a wonderful thing.

Adam hits the gridiron to explain why the playoffs rarely determine which team is best, and then explores how hydration myths spread by sports drink companies put kids at risk. Adam also tackles football-caused brain injuries.

Straight from the red carpet, with help from celebrity guests Rachel Bloom and Ariana Madix, Adam exposes the hidden truths behind Hollywood's glitz and glamour, from the clothes stars wear to the process behind movie ratings.

Adam explains the end is inevitable, shows why immortality is a fantasy and reveals that the American funeral industry is a racket that exploits mourners' grief and fear of dying.

Adam shows why vitamin supplements don't make us any healthier, and that the "balanced breakfast" we've been sold is anything but. Later, he reveals how most of the nutritional science the media reports on isn't science at all.

Adam reveals that circumcision was popularized by a bunch of masturbation-curbing 19th century prudes. Plus, he reveals why the fear of having herpes is overblown and explores why the term "pop your cherry" is a bunch of nonsense.

Adam crashes the last day of summer by revealing extended vacations makes you dumber, and Mickey Mouse has made a mess of our copyright laws. Adam also unveils a surprising gender bias in the world of videogames.

Adam shows how the 40-hour work week not only exhausts employees but also arms businesses, reveals the legal mess of hiring interns and freelancers, and explores how discussing your salary with co-workers is actually a good thing.

Adam explores the twisted history of the Electoral College, explaining that the Founding Fathers did not want most Americans to vote. He also takes a stab at fixing a political system that seems rigged against true democracy.

Adam reveals that the term halitosis was popularized in a 1920s ad campaign that used cruel ads to make people insecure about their breath, and explains why running water is one of the greatest miracles of the modern age.

Adam dives deep into the hidden truths of dining out. He explains why tipping we'd be better off without, experts can't tell the difference between wines, and reveals fraudulently labeled seafood is rampant.

Adam Ruins Forensic Science: Adam uncovers the scary truth behind unreliable methods used to build evidence in criminal cases - which often send innocent people to jail.

Adam dives into the much-beloved auto industry and exposes the surprising truths behind car dealerships, car ownership and the concept of "jaywalking."

Adam sets his sights on security theater, explaining that airport security wastes too much of our time and money, medicine safety seals do nothing to protect us, and your credit card number isn't remotely secure.

Adam Conover dispels widespread misconceptions about everything from diamond engagement rings to canned goods.